Sintermetalglass (SMG) is a privately held family run business which has been manufacturing high quality hermetic Glass-To-Metal Seals for over 45 years near Milan, Italy. The SMG Team has a proven track record of working with customers to develop custom designed products to meet their specific and demanding applications.

The primary markets served include:







The current product line includes:

T0-3 style packages in a number of configurations
T0-3,5,8 Caps
Custom Feed through designs
Sight Glass
D0-4 and D0-5 Diode Caps
Jumbo packages

The product line will soon be expanded to include T0-5 and T0-8 packages. The T0 250 family of packages including T0-254, 257 and 258 will follow thereafter. Hi Rel versions with ceramic to metal feed-through and BeO substrate configurations will also be available.

The facility has in-house capabilities to fabricate glass performs for custom glass configurations to meet specific customer applications. All plating is performed on site to ensure the highest level of quality. These in-house capabilities allow SMG to provide customers with high quality, low cost products with short lead times.

More information? We are at your disposal!

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